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Pilsen Housing Cooperative 

links / más sobre las cooperativas

About Housing Cooperatives / 

Sobre las cooperativas de vivienda


“What is a Housing Co-op?”
Simple 3-minute YouTube video by the Central Ontario Co-operative Housing Federation. (Just one line in this video is not exactly applicable to our situation. When the man says, “We don’t need to spend money to come in, we don’t make money when we leave,” he’s talking about a no-equity co-op. We are building a limited equity co-op.)

Buying Into a Housing Cooperative

Association of Housing Cooperatives answers basic questions about housing cooperatives. Includes a link to a chart that compares co-ops to renting and traditional single family home ownership.

Guide to Co-Operative Housing
Good basic info on what a housing co-op is. While this article talks about co-ops in Canada, the basic info on co-ops is relevant in the US too.

Housing Cooperative (Wikipedia)

Limited-Equity Housing Cooperatives

Brief description of a limited-equity co-op written by University of Chicago Law School's Mandel Legal Aid Clinic 

Equitable Development Toolkit: Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives

Written by PolicyLink, a national research and action group “lifting up what works.”  

"Is the Housing Market the Answer to the Racial Wealth Gap?"​

Shelterforce article addresses a powerful question: Why should low-income people of color agree to limit their equity in housing?

“Will Limited-Equity Cooperatives Make a Comeback?"
Includes a history of limited-equity co-ops nationally 

Las cooperativas de vivienda en Canadá

Este artículo habla de las cooperativas en Canadá, pero la información básica sobre las cooperativas es relevante en los EE. UU. también.

Actúa localmente, piensa globalmente: Las cooperativas de Nueva York promueven el desarrollo

United Nations discussion of New York cooperatives’ role in economic and social development

Cooperativa (Wikipedia) 

Cooperative Principles /

Principios de las cooperativas


Homeownership is Dead!”
Article that makes the argument that "we have to stop profiting from property. We have to treat homes as homes, not as investment vehicles that we hope to later sell to the highest bidders."

"Housing should be seen as a human right. Not a commodity"

UN envoy Leilani Farha says the boom in luxury real estate worldwide is fueling the housing crisis and ripping communities apart

Co-operative Values 
All cooperatives worldwide are based on a set of common values, whether they’re housing co-ops, worker co-ops, or food co-ops: self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.

The Rochdale Principles
The original cooperative principles are known as “the Rochdale Principles.”

Guidance Notes to the Cooperative Principles by the International Co-operative Alliance
A lot more about the Seven Cooperative Principles and how they can be lived out.



Co-ops in Chicago /

Las cooperativas en el contexto de Chicago

"The Fight to Stay"

South Side Weekly article from July 2018 about PIHCO 

Affordable Housing Cooperatives: Their Conditions and Prospects in Chicago
2004 report that finds co-ops are underutilized as an affordable housing strategy and could play an important role in fighting gentrification.

“Limited-equity co-ops remain an underused path to affordable housing” 
Chicago Tribune article about the University of Wisconsin/UIC/Chicago Mutual Housing Network study above

“Home, Home in Your Range” 
Chicago Reader story about the creation of the Logan Square Housing Cooperative

Cooperative Communities of Chicago
Web site that maps all Chicago housing cooperatives

Series of videos feature Chicago affordable housing co-ops: 

Harper Square Cooperative

Neighborhood Commons Cooperative 

Hermitage Manor Cooperative

Testimony supporting expanded limited-equity co-ops as part of the City of Chicago's affordable housing strategy

Some Limited-Equity Co-op Web Sites: 

Noble Square Cooperative

Chatham Park Village Cooperative

Logan Square Cooperative

More / Más

National Association of Housing Co-operatives

Choosing a Legal Structure for Your Housing Co-op

Attorney Sarah Kaplan's Guide to Pros/Cons of Cooperatives vs. Condominiums vs. Purchasing Property in Common


A Guide for Successful Community Development (Housing Cooperative Development Toolbox) 

This guide by the Northcountry Cooperative Foundation is designed to assist community leaders in determining whether co-op housing is right for their community, and helps with choosing, planning and organizing co-op housing developments.

A Practical Guide for Cooperative Success (Housing Cooperative Development Toolbox) 

This guide by the Northcountry Cooperative Foundation is designed for co-op boards of directors, resident members and co-op partners. It defines what a co-op is, highlights the history of the cooperative movement, explains how co-ops are managed and governed, explores what co-op members can do to recognize and weed out problems early on, and provides guidelines that allow the best elements of cooperative living to take root and grow.

Urban Homesteading Assistance Board

This organization in New York City has helped convert 33,000 units of rental housing to limited-equity or no-equity co-ops. 

Cooperators' Handbook from the Amalgamated Housing Cooperative

Founded in 1927 in the Bronx, Amalgamated is the oldest limited-equity housing co-op in the U.S. 

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